Must-Have Mom Recipes: Iced Coffee and Edible Cookie Dough

Family life is busy. Fall is busy. There’s not a whole lot of time for little indulgences. Heck, I have to remind myself to eat actual food–not just pick grapes and Cheetos off my kids’ plates as I’m cleaning up from lunch. I also do not live within a quick coffee-run to the nearest café. Speciality baked goods? Forget-a-bout-it! It takes a special trip out of our usual territory. So, every now and then, I take a few minutes to whip up some of my favorite must have mom-cipes… iced coffee and cookie dough. No coffee or bakery run needed!

Iced Coffee


½ pound ground coffee
1 gallon of water
Half & Half, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Regular Milk, Flavoring syrups or anything ya’ want, really!

Mix It

In a large container, pitcher, ice cream bucket (anything with a lid), add ½ lb. of ground coffee to one gallon of water. Mix well and let this steep while you’re at work or overnight–at least a good 8 solid hours. Pick a nice, strong coffee. Sometimes I pick a flavored coffee for the season!

Strain It

Once steeped, pour and press through a strainer lined with cheesecloth to separate grounds from the water. Discard the grounds. Refrigerate this liquid gold. I love to use containers with spouts! Makes me feel like I’m my own barista. 

Now, once you’re armed with this, your creations can go Willy Wonka!

iced coffee mom recipes

Fancy It Up

Fill a glass with ice. I typically add about ¾ full of coffee and top it off with skim milk and a squirt of caramel or chocolate syrup. To get a creamier coffee, try half and half or top it with some cream! Cinnamon, seasonally flavored creamers, heavy cream, Bailey’s Irish, chocolate chips… told ya: endless! 

Coffeehouse creations just inside your refrigerator door! Not only is it convenient, but even a high-maintenance homemade iced coffee will save you major bucks compared to café coffee drinks. 

In my book, all cookie dough is edible. However, if you’re being extra careful due to health concerns or pregnancy, this recipe is for you. It’s adaptable to any diet restrictions. Once you got the basic recipe, you do what all moms do best with everything: make it your own! Make em’ as healthy or as indulgent as you’d like. 

edible cookie dough mom recipesIngredients:

(Mix all)

1 stick of butter (Favorite Substitute: Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Stick)
½ cup sugar 
½ cup light brown sugar
1-2 tsp. vanilla 
1 cup of flour Oat Flour (ground Old Fashioned oats) or Almond Flour
¼ tsp. sea salt
1 cup chocolate chips

Favorite Add-ins:

Dark Chocolate Chips
Almonds, Nuts
Scoop of favorite Protein Powder
Chia Seeds
Old Fashioned Oats or Rolled Oats
M&M’s or Sprinkles!
Peanut Butter
Chopped candy bar of choice

Favorite Hack:

Mix dough with your favorite add-ins. Scoop dough into even portions, hand roll into balls, and store in airtight container. Keep refrigerated. When you need to take a mom moment to chill out or realize you missed lunch on your way out the door, these make the perfect snack-cident!




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