“How I Became A Mother,” A Collection of Essays

There are 100 different ways to become a mother, many of them full of mixed emotions: heartache alongside profound joy. No two experiences are exactly alike, which is why we believe in sharing our stories. 

As you read these stories, we hope you find pieces of yourself as well as perspectives you’ve never considered. 

Motherhood is our common ground, but diversity is our greatest strength. 

How I Became A Mother: My IVF Story

How I Became A Mother: Through Foster Care and Adoption

I Became A Mother | A Series of Transformative Moments

First Comes Love | My Non-Traditional Path to Motherhood

How I Became a Mother: My Induction Story

How I Became a Mother: My VBAC story

C-Sections, Again and Again!

My “Accidental” Natural Birth

Brook’s Birth Story: An Ending & A Beginning


Lianna is a homesteading mama of three: a sparkly seven-year-old daughter, a joyful five-year-old boy, and a confident three-year-old boy. After graduating from the University of Iowa’s college of education, she started Wondergarten Early Enrichment Home, a multi-age, play-based early childhood program. A self-proclaimed Queen Dabbler, she has a long list of hobbies (from gardening and canning to sewing and painting), and doesn’t mind being only mediocre at all of them. She lives with her husband, mother, three kiddos, dog, cat, rabbits, dwarf goats, and chickens on an acreage in the country. The Cornally family spends their time talking about education, learning how to grow and preserve their own food, and romping around in their woods.


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