Tag: facebook

Living Authentically In A Social Media World

What does it mean to live authentically in the age of social media? People used to live their lives behind closed doors. Before the age...

Thinking Outside the (Facebook Status Update) Box

Over the last few months, I’ve been trying to clean up my Facebook account. I don’t mean "clean up" like there is anything in...

Stop the Presses: Why I Get My News From Facebook

Do you watch the news regularly? Do you pick up a newspaper every day and read more than just the headlines? Do you have...

Parents of Teenagers: The Things We Don’t Talk About

I love Facebook. I can keep up with high school friends, college friends, and message board friends all over the world. Chances are you clicked...

6 Reasons to Take a Break From Facebook and 6 Things...

I hesitantly signed up for Facebook when it first became available to non-ivy league schools in 2004. (Who remembers that?!) At the time, I...

A battlefield of subconscious comparisons {aka social media}

I can hardly remember what life was like before. How did we keep in touch with people? How did we keep track of birthdays?...

Top 5 Reasons Moms Love Facebook

If you are reading this post today, then you are most likely a social-media-user.  Maybe you have the self-control to turn it off/log off/put...