Tag: gratitude

Thankfulness: How to Teach Our Kids Gratitude

Thankfulness. How do we teach our kids to practice gratitude and thankfulness in a world so cluttered with "the me" factor? I mean, if...

A Season of Gratitude

With the holiday season fast approaching, I find myself getting caught up in the busyness and consumerism that so often surrounds it. My thoughts...

From a Teacher to a Mom: A Reflection of Gratitude

It’s that time of the year. The weather is turning nice. Everything is in bloom. The school year is winding down, and summer is...

Help! I’m Stuck in a Rut!

The new year has come and everyone is rocking their new beginnings, but personally I am struggling. The new year is suppose to be...

Overcoming My Mom Brain: Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Journal writing was never one of my strong suits. As a teenager I would write in it periodically, basically whenever I found it in...

It Takes a Village–Be Sure to Thank Them!

They say that raising kids takes a village. I couldn't agree more, and I've only been at this for a short time! Honestly, I've...

Trend Alert! What is a Bullet Journal? Everything You Need to...

Have you seen all those pictures being posted on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, of something that looks like a colorful, artistic, hand-drawn planner? Notebook pages with...

4 Ways to Bring Hygge Into Your Home

The winter months have always been challenging for me. The shorter days kick my anxiety into overdrive, and the dreary weather tends to get...

Make the World a Better Place

While trying not to be too political, I am deeply upset and disappointed with this election.  It is clear that no matter what happened,...

Movies and Moments that Matter

With November in full swing, it’s customary to say what we’re thankful for. Pinterest is buzzing with different activities and ways to demonstrate our...