Tag: online

I’m Not Freaking Out About “Momo.” Here’s what I’m doing instead.

Over the course of this week I, along with many parents of young children, have gotten some pretty disturbing information about a character called...

7 Ways to Keep Kids Safe(er) Online + Infographic

For all its positives, the internet can be a scary place, especially for a mom with kids who go online. How can you keep...

T.H.I.N.K. Before You Share: Responsible Sharing on Social Media

The other day I opened up Facebook and saw on my feed a particularly disturbing photograph of a sobbing young child in what could...

The Easiest Way to Meal Plan

Organizing and planning come naturally to me. I use these skills to our advantage and have developed a foolproof meal planning strategy that has...

How to Make A Will In 4 Easy Steps

Writing a will isn’t exactly a task everyone wants to do. Thinking about a future where you no longer exist is difficult, especially if...

10 Online Life Hacks for Busy Moms

Ask any mom what life is like, and you will likely hear one common answer start to emerge: busy. While very fulfilling, life as...